Deepness Dawn, a Reboot

The night sky is always magical! The experience of seeing the galactic core with your naked eyes is so amazing. In this image, the viewer can see many celestial objects, like the bright Jupiter on the left and the faint Saturn on the far left. On the right is the bright Antares on the colorful Rho Ophiuchi region, while in the middle the viewer

2020-05-25T16:55:43+02:00May 25th, 2020|

#TeamTokina #ShootAtHome Challenge

Covid-19 disease has caused a lot of problems around the world. However staying at home doesn’t mean we cannot be creative. Tokina invited me to participate at #Shootathome challenge. The goal was to create a small project with things that are available in home. In terms of gear I used the Tokina Firin 100mm* F2.8 FE macro lens with a Hoya ProND32 filter. [*You

2020-04-24T19:13:32+02:00April 21st, 2020|

Forest of Tranquility

- Best Editing Award Chhatrapati Shivaji International Film Festival - Official Selection Independent Shorts Awards - Official Selection Indie Short Fest - Official Selection Atlanta Docufest - Official Selection Five Continents Int. Film Festival - Official Selection Rome Independent Prisma Awards - Official Selection No Words Int. Film Festival A short non-narrative experimental documentary film, capturing the serene atmosphere inside the forests of Epirus,

2020-02-18T13:35:34+02:00February 18th, 2020|

Tokina atx-m 85mm F1.8 FE Review (Greek)

Tokina atx-m 85mm F1.8 FE Review *13 Φεβρουάριου 2020 - Κατά την συγγραφή του άρθρου η Adobe δεν είχε κυκλοφορήσει προφίλ για τον φακό Tokina atx-m 85mm F1.8 FE*   Εισαγωγή Τα τελευταία δύο χρόνια η Tokina κυκλοφόρησε δύο (2) νέες σειρές φακών για χρήστες DSLR, τις σειρές Opera και atx-i, καθώς και την σειρά φακών Firin για χρήστες

2020-02-14T11:20:30+02:00February 13th, 2020|

Tokina atx-m 85mm F1.8 FE Review

Tokina atx-m 85mm F1.8 FE Review *February 3, 2020 - Please note that at the time of writing this review, Adobe hasn’t released a lens profile for Tokina atx-m 85mm F1.8 FE* *** *** Intro In the last couple of years Tokina has introduced two (2) new series of lenses for DSLR users, Opera and atx-i, and the

2023-01-22T16:16:28+02:00January 22nd, 2020|

Honorable Mention in Monochrome Photography Awards

My Project "Shadows of Opera" received an Honourable Mention in Professional Fine Art Category of Monochrome Photography Awards 2019. Shadows of Opera Project was exhibited in Photokina 2018 (Cologne, Germany) in Kenko Tokina Booth for the release of the Tokina Opera 50mm F/1.4 lens. It was also exhibited in Salon de la Photo 2018 (Paris, France) in Cokin Booth.  

2020-01-12T13:46:56+02:00January 12th, 2020|

New Project “Forest of Tranquility” Teaser Trailer

A very short teaser of my upcoming documentary film project "Forest of Tranquility". The last two years, after the release of Keep Looking Up, my commercial work didn't allow me to find enough spare time to create personal projects. However, some months ago, I envisioned the idea of this project and I began working with it, creating scenes on paper and making some preparations

2019-09-16T10:43:30+02:00September 16th, 2019|

Keep Looking Up

One year ago this day, "Keep Looking Up" was released ! Keep Looking Up was my first personal astro-timelapse project and despite encountering many difficulties while in the production, the film was released and won several awards and very positive reviews from festivals around the world ! Find more about "Keep Looking Up" Project here !

2018-12-14T10:56:43+02:00December 14th, 2018|

Tokina Opera 50mm – A Review from A Portrait Side

Tokina Opera 50mm – A Review from A Portrait Side UPDATE 2019-05-15 -> Adobe just released a lens profile for Opera 50mm F/1.4 in the latest update of May 2019 (LR Classic 8.3 / Camera Raw 11.3) Very often lately, and especially during my workshops and my photography lessons, many students ask me “What is my favorite focal length to use”. I always

2019-05-15T07:49:50+02:00November 29th, 2018|
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