New Lens, Review Coming Soon!
Can you guess the lens? ???? A full review is coming soon! Stay tuned!
Can you guess the lens? ???? A full review is coming soon! Stay tuned!
During my astrophotography workshops, I get asked many times about the proper exposure time. How to find the "perfect" exposure for the lens used, to capture pin point stars, without trailing. So I decided to make a very simple excel file in order to help you find the proper exposure based on your camera and your lens. It's absolutely free to download it. Feel
Hasselblad X1DII 50c Review Some images in this review were taken from the official Hasselblad website ( All other photos of this review were captured by Christophe Anagnostopoulos with a Hasselblad X1DII 50c camera and an XCD 65mm F2.8 lens. *** *** Intro As I was beginning to write this review, I honestly didn’t know how to