Judging a global photo competition is an exciting but also demanding task, as you have to evaluate a very large number of amazing photos and carefully select the best ones based on the small details that in the end make the difference.
Judging a global photo competition is an exciting but also demanding task, as a very large number of amazing photos have to be evaluated and then the best ones must be carefully selected based on the small details that make the difference.
When I saw this photo, I instantly knew it was my favorite amongst this year’s wonderful entries.
It is a dramatic and powerful photo, with only the necessary elements fitting the square frame, to show the power of landscape and how small a human is in the vastness of nature.
With the use of a neutral density (ND) filter the photographer added an extra fine detail in the overall image, making it look more like a painting, as he managed to capture in-camera the movement of the passing clouds over the 60 seconds of the exposure.
The distance between the camera and the model was such that not only created this impressive scale between elements, but also helped to avoid capturing any movements of the model during the long exposure.
I’m a big fan of this type of shots that are carefully crafted in black & white, and especially those that use a photographic filter as a tool to fulfil the
We live in a time where most images that we see every day are either over-edited or just made to impress without having a story to say and this image was truly unique.

Feel free to check all the winning images in the following link:
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