
What Type of Photographer are you?

Feel free to participate on the following polls (100% anonymously, no personal information is recorded, only your votes). My goal with these polls is to understand your photography style and needs better, and then through these upcoming posts I've mentioned before, I will hopefully try to help you more in your photography work. Thank you! Photography Related

2021-05-10T18:47:11+02:00May 5th, 2021|

Free NPF Calculator!

During my astrophotography workshops, I get asked many times about the proper exposure time. How to find the "perfect" exposure for the lens used, to capture pin point stars, without trailing. So I decided to make a very simple excel file in order to help you find the proper exposure based on your camera and your lens. It's absolutely free to download it. Feel

2024-11-12T21:13:41+02:00April 13th, 2021|
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